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Avature (ATS) - Visage Integration
Avature (ATS) - Visage Integration

A step by step guide to using the Avature (ATS) - Visage integration for Siemens users

Emmanuel Marboeuf avatar
Written by Emmanuel Marboeuf
Updated over a week ago

Why This Integration?

The integration between Avature and Visage applications intends to

(1) Make it easier for Siemens users to post jobs on Visage. While you post a job on Avature, you can automatically post this job on Visage and start sourcing for it!

(2) Better track the interested leads that came from Visage. Visage receives your apply link from Avature and lets you use it as a variable in your Visage email templates. If you insert the apply link in your Visage email templates, the right UTM (tracking code) is automatically added to the URL.

4 Key Things To Know About The Integration

(1) How do I send my Avature job to Visage?

When you post your job on Avature, under "Additional Posting Information" check the Visage checkbox. This will send your job to Visage automatically, and sourcing will begin. After beginning sourcing, please double check your job on Visage and ensure all critical fields, such as location, are listed correctly. If everything is correct, no need for you to log in to Visage until you have profiles to review.

(2) Can I decide to send my Avature job to Visage a few days after initial posting?

Yes! At any moment, you can visit your job on Avature and decide to send it to Visage by checking the Visage checkbox under "Additional Posting Information".

(3) How do the job fields in Avature match with Visage?

You can see a summary in this table. If some information was missing from your Avature job, we will tell you when you have Visage profiles to review, and ask you to complete those fields. No need to log in to Visage and complete these fields before you have profiles to review.

(4) What if I don't use an apply link in my candidate emails?

We recommend using an apply link in your emails to Visage candidates, since this will track the interested leads that came from Visage and help you better measure the ROI of Visage. If you don't wish to use apply links in your emails, you don't have to. You can continue to nurture candidates via emails and phone screens.

A Step By Step Guide To Use The Integration


1) As an Avature user, when you post a job on Avature, you can select to send the job to Visage. This automatically posts the job on Visage.

A) The job fields are matched with the information you entered on Avature, as shown here. The fields that could not be matched (Job Objectives and Engagement page fields) are not completed. The job is posted on Visage and sourcing automatically starts.

B) As normal, you receive your first batch of profiles within 24 hours and you are notified by email that you have profiles to review.

C) In rare cases (technical difficulties, bugs, or when some agreed upon fields are missing on the Avature job posting), the job will be saved in your Visage drafts, and you will receive an email indicating you need to finish the job on Visage and start sourcing.

D) If you don't have enough Visage profiles left to source for the job, the job will be saved in your Visage drafts, and your will receive an email asking you to purchase more profiles, finish posting the job on Visage, and start sourcing.

E) If Visage receives jobs from unrecognized users, the Visage Customer Success team will be notified. They will reach out to this user about getting them on boarded into Visage.

2) After the job is posted, you can log in to Visage and see the job under your Active jobs. If you don’t want to login to Visage, you don’t have to. You can just wait to be notified via email that you have profiles to review.

3) Technically, you can still posts jobs directly on the Visage interface. We don't recommend this because the apply link will be missing from email variables in your email templates in this case.

4) If you close a job on Avature, the job will be closed on Visage.

A) Sourcing will be stopped and unused profiles will be refunded.

B) All scheduled email sequences will be stopped. You can still receive candidate responses for any emails you had already sent out.

5) If you open a job, close it, then reopen it on Avature (with the same referenceNumber), the job will be reopened on Visage. Unfinished email sequences will resume.

6) If you edit a job on Avature, the job will not be edited on Visage. If you edit a job on Visage, the job will not be edited on Avature. In the cases when an edit is needed on the job, we ask that you please edit the job both on Avature and on Visage.

7) If for any reason, the job is not available in the XML file provided by Avature (either because the job has been un-posted, closed, deleted or because it’s missing), Visage will accept that the job is closed and close it on Visage.


8) When you have profiles to review, you will receive an email notification from Visage inviting you to review your profiles.

9) If you don’t review your profiles after a few days, you'll receive a second email notification reminding you to review your profiles.

10) At any time, you can log in to Visage, go to the job page, and click on the green arrow under "New" profiles and start reviewing.

11) When you start reviewing profiles, you will see a reminder to fill some missing fields that could not be automatically taken from Avature.

12) When you click on “Continue”, you will first be asked to review and answer the Job Objectives. The answers you provide here help (1) the Visage Sourcer Community to ensure your success on this job, (2) the Visage AI to assess the job difficulty correctly, put the right sourcers on the job, and ensure the correct AI checks, (3) for you to get accurate reporting on this job.

13) Then, you will be asked to set up your email sequences for this job, which will allow you to contact candidates with one click at the review step.

14) If you'd like your candidates to apply via an apply link, remember to add the candidate apply link as an email variable.

If you forget to add the apply link and copy & paste a link, you will see a friendly reminder.

If we detect that a source code is missing from a variable, we will automatically add it to the end of your URL.

15) When you click on the “Update Job” button, you will be taken to the job page, where you can make progress on your job.

If you were missing some must-have skills on the job because you only had 1 must-have skill on Avature, you will be asked to enter at least 3 must-have skills before you can save your updates.

16) You can stop or restart sourcing at any time via turning the Crowd Sourcing toggle on/off on the job page.

17) On the job page, you will see a “Posted from an ATS” tag to discern which jobs were automatically posted from Avature.


18) Candidates that click on the apply link in your email outreach will appear in the ‘Contacted’ list with a ‘Clicked’ Icon. You can hover over the icon to see when the candidate clicked on your apply link.

If a candidate clicks on the apply link, the email campaign will stop and no follow up emails will be sent.

Limitations of the Integration

(1) The integration is NOT bi-directional by design. The beginning and ending of a job funnel are on Avature, and the middle phases of sourcing are on Visage.

  • If you open, close, reopen a job on Avature, Visage will be updated. If you do any of these actions on Visage, Avature will not be updated.

  • If you edit a job on Avature, the job will not be edited on Visage. If you edit a job on Visage, the job will not be edited on Avature. In the cases when an edit is needed on the job, we ask that you please edit the job both on Avature and on Visage.

  • All sourcing related actions (sourcing more profiles, giving feedback to sourcers, and editing the job requirements) must be done directly on Visage. It is not possible to ask for more profiles, give feedback or edit the job from Avature.

(2) You won't be able to track Visage as the source of profiles if you don't use the apply link in your email variables (with the right UTM tracking code) in your outreach to candidates. If you don't use the apply link, you will need to mark each candidate's source in Avature as Visage manually.

(3) In field mapping (see below table), locations of the job are sent from Avature to Visage as a text, which means that this text location isn't always matched on the Visage side. There might be errors. After starting sourcing, please double check your job on Visage and ensure that your locations are listed correctly.

(4) When you open, close and reopen jobs on Avature, it may take up to 1 hour to see this update on Visage.

Job Field Mapping Between Avature and Visage

Avature Field Name

Visage Field Name


User (your) email address

User (your) email address

Job title (main language)

Job title

Date when recruiter “posts to Visage”

Date of job posting

Avature job ID


Primary job location --> city, state, country, postal-code

Job location --> city, state, country, postal-code

This is automatically added to your Visage sourcing locations. Due to limitations of the integration, there might be errors. Please double check that your locations on Visage are correct.

Full-Time / Part-Time field. See table below.

Employment Type



Job Family

Job function

Experience Level


Job description (main language).

Job description

Visage removes scripts (CSS, JSS, …). Images remain only if defined HTML and not in CSS.

Mapping from “experience level”. See table below.

Minimum and maximum years of experience

A separate data field created and maintained in Avature: required skills

Must-have requirements

Avature asks for minimum 1 must-have requirement, and Visage asks for minimum 3 must-have requirements.

Secondary job location

Sourcing location --> city, state, country, postal-code


Job Objectives

This field doesn't come via the integration and we ask you to tell us your objectives when you have your first profiles to review.



This field doesn't come via the integration and we ask you to set your candidate emails when you have your first profiles to review.

Apply URL for private portal in Avature


New data field implemented by Visage.

If you need any help, contact us by sending us a chat message on the bottom right corner of this page. We'd be happy to help you!

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